The Madonna of the Future

The Madonna of the Future

May 23, 2024 Off By Conor Walton

Scientists are working on artificial wombs that will allow infants to develop entirely outside the human body. In the near future, not only will we not need to have sex to reproduce, we won’t need to be functionally male or female either.

We’re facing a revolution in the role that sex plays in human identity. Already many see sex primarily as recreation rather than as a means of reproducing the species, and have drawn the logical conclusion that if reproduction isn’t the aim, the gender of your sexual partner is of little consequence. Surveys in leading UK universities now show that less than half of young people there identify as heterosexual – a trend of continuing and rapid decline also found in the wider population. In the US, 21% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ+. Many are now embracing versions of gender that do not align with their biology or are renouncing gender entirely and insisting on ‘them/they’ pronouns.

‘The Madonna of the Future’ by Conor Walton

This picture was inspired by questions from today’s kids: why are people in my paintings so clearly sexed? Why don’t I paint androgyny?

I looked back to Leonardo for guidance because five hundred years ago that is precisely what he was doing: his sexually ambiguous figures, ironically knowing smiles and ideals of androgynous beauty reverberate down the ages. His queer Madonnas and Christ figures are now stepping out of the paintings: one encounters them in daily life. Revisiting the theme of Madonna and Child allows me to fold time and dramatise our situation, showing both where we’ve come from and where we’re going. Within sight are technologically assisted virgin births, new forms of human incarnation, new ways to play god.

Close-up of ‘The Madonna of the Future’ by Conor Walton

The traditional image of the Madonna and Child also embodies the mystical and sacred symbolism of womanhood and motherhood. It still lies at the core of how many of us view womanhood, bound up with ideas of nature, fertility, the awesome power of maternal love. This ancient image of womanhood and steadfast anchor of female identity is now being challenged and tested. That is what this picture is about.

‘The Madonna of the Future’ exhibition will take place at Sol Art in Dublin, May 23 – June 8 2024.